Friday, July 9, 2010

Frugal "Fashion"

Reading All Over Albany helped me discover All This Happiness, a really cool blog that's had a lot of fashion posts.  Not fashion like Vogue or In Style (yes, I subscribe to those, too) but fashion like how to make that boring dress in the back of your closet new and exciting again.  Reading it inspired me to dress "fun" and not just throw on something for the sole purpose of:
  1. Staying covered so creepy guys don't ogle me
  2. Staying cool during this 100 degree heat wave (#1 and #2 are hard to pull off simultaneously)
Because I also want to:
  1. Maintain a unique sense of style
  2. Do ALL of the above without breaking my ever-shrinking bank account (thanks, wedding)
When I was away at Lake Placid this past weekend, I visited many antique and thrift shops.  I got a really cool set of bathroom decorations (plaster flower sculptures for the walls) for $16.  My fiance guessed $50.

The point is, you don't have to spend a lot to get a lot, something this economy is reminding all of us.  Stores push buy-buy-buy with deep discounts and markdowns.  But really, how much does 20% off calculate out to be?  Not that much.

Lately, the outlets have been my friends.  You can even sign up to receive email coupons from some of them like Coach, Gap, and Banana Republic.

Of course, there are the tricks of using online sites like Retail Me Not to gain free shipping or a percentage off of your online purchases.

Social media plays a role, too.  My Entertainment Book regularly emails me offers.  I have two coupon apps installed on my Droid - supposedly, their coupons are accepted right at the register from my phone - no printing required!  Using my location the apps have found quite a few offers in my area, although none I happened to need at the time.  (My best coupon luck tends to come from the good, old-fashioned newspaper.)

Between all of these money-saving options, I can't remember the last time I paid full price for something.  Not even at the Olive Garden last night.  My grandma sent me home with a coupon the last time I went to visit her.

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